Data Insights

How did the consumer industry treat robotics in Q1 2024 filings?
The global consumer industry experienced a 27% drop in company filings mentions of robotics in Q1 2024 compared with the...
Robotics related patent filings decreased in the consumer industry in Q1 2024
The global consumer industry experienced a 34% decline in the number of robotics-related patent applications in Q1 2024 compared with...
Q4 2023 update: robotics related patent activity in the consumer industry
The global consumer industry experienced a 48% decline in the number of robotics-related patent applications in Q4 2023 compared with...
How did the consumer industry treat robotics in Q3 2023 filings?
The global consumer industry experienced a 63% drop in company filings mentions of robotics in Q3 2023 compared with the...
Q3 2023 update: robotics related hiring actvity in the consumer industry
The global consumer industry experienced a 46% drop in new job postings related to robotics in Q3 2023 compared with...
Who’s hiring who? Hiring activity related to robotics increased by 10% in the consumer industry in Q3 2022
The global consumer industry experienced a 10% rise in new job postings related to robotics in Q3 2022 compared with...
Robotics: who are the leaders in autonomous delivery management for the consumer industry?
The consumer industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by convenience, sustainability, technology, and operational...
Quarterly Robotics Innovation Update: Patent activity related to robotics decreased by 29% in the consumer industry in Q3 2022
The global consumer industry experienced a 44% decline in the number of robotics-related patent applications in Q3 2022 compared with...
Leading foodservice companies in the robotics theme
The future of the foodservice industry will be shaped by a range of disruptive themes, with robotics being an important...
Robotics related patent filings decreased in the consumer industry in Q3 2023
The global consumer industry experienced a 35% decline in the number of robotics-related patent applications in Q3 2023 compared with...
Who's posting what? Robotics related social media posts decreased by 23% in the consumer industry in Q1 2023
The global consumer industry experienced a 23% drop in social media posts on robotics in Q1 2023 compared with the...